eJournals and eBooks

eJournals and eBooks

The Christ College library provides access to various eJournals and eBooks.

See below for links to various online resources:

EBSCO ATLA Religion Database and Ebooks

The ATLA database is the premier resource for all areas of religious study. It contains more than 1.8 million records including full text articles from more than 300 journals. This link will also take you to the EBSCO ebook site.



This digital library is a self-managed consortium with two other ACT College Libraries, numbering over 1,000 ebooks. It contains short term loan ebooks that can be read on the go, with app availability for android and iphone devices.


Other free online resources

Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology http://www.studylight.org/dictionaries/bed/
Bible Gateway https://www.biblegateway.com/
Christian Classics Ethereal Library http://www.ccel.org/
Dallas Theological Seminary Turpin Interactive Rare Book Collection http://rarebooks.dts.edu/
Directory of Open Access Journals https://doaj.org/
e-rara: Digitised Rare Books from Swiss Libraries http://www.e-rara.ch/
Index Theologicus http://www.ixtheo.de/
GlobeTheoLib: Global Digital Library on Theology and Ecumenism http://www.globethics.net/web/gtl
Hathi Trust Digital Library https://www.hathitrust.org/
H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies http://www.calvin.edu/meeter/
Internet Archive Digital Library https://archive.org/
The New Testament Gateway http://www.ntgateway.com/
Old Testament Gateway http://otgateway.com/
The Online Critical Pseudepigrapha http://ocp.tyndale.ca/
Post-Reformation Digital Library http://www.prdl.org/
Project Gutenberg http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page
Reformed Faith and Practice: The Journal of Reformed Theological Seminary http://journal.rts.edu/
Religion Online http://www.religion-online.org/
Religion on the Web: Wabash Center http://www.wabashcenter.wabash.edu/resources/guide_headings.aspx
The Theologian http://www.theologian.org.uk/index.html
Theological Commons: Princeton Theological Seminary http://commons.ptsem.edu/
The Westminster Assembly Project http://www.westminsterassembly.org/
The Works of Jonathan Edwards Online http://edwards.yale.edu/