Traineeship Information Seminar (Online)
Traineeship Information Seminar (Online)
Christ College would like to invite you and your leaders to an online information seminar about our new Traineeship.
The Traineeship is a two-year program that develops future ministry leaders. It involves holistic training and ministry both under a coach in your local church, and in classes at Christ College.
Trainees outside of Sydney can participate through distance education and intensive classes. Financial support may be provided to Trainees by churches and partners through the tax-deductible Christ College Scholarship Fund.
Further summary details, including the unique value of the Traineeship, can be found in the flyer available here. Please feel free to distribute this flyer within your networks.
Prior to the seminar, participants will be asked to watch a recording of Elliot Ku (Gracepoint Chinese Presbyterian Church) and Jonathan Pratt (Christ College) delivering a face-to-face seminar addressing some of the following issues:
- Why pastors should prioritise training young leaders
- How pastors can cultivate and identify young leaders
- What young leaders need most to develop
- The most important elements for training adults
- How the Traineeship can help busy pastors train young leaders
The online seminar via zoom will give participants an opportunity to talk further with Elliot and Jonathan and to ask them questions about the Traineeship.
To register for the online Information Seminar, click the booking link above.