David Sandifer

David is the rector of St Alban’s Anglican Church, and an adjunct lecturer in Church History and Christian Thought. David was born in France, where his parents served as church planters, and spent most of his adult life in the United States. He served as a youth pastor and pastor in the U.S., and was formerly the NSW director for FamilyVoice Australia. He is married to Cathie, and they have two young children. David’s PhD (Cambridge, 2014) looked at changes in public morality in early nineteenth century Britain, particularly with respect to the protection of moral innocence. David has passion for the Christian community to retain its ‘saltiness’ in a changing culture, as it joyfully reflects the goodness of life in Christ. His areas of academic interest include the history of early evangelicalism, the Clapham sect, sexual ethics, and the ethics of work.
- Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, B.A. in Philosophy, 1988.
- Trinity School for Ministry, Ambridge, PA, M.Div.,1994.
- University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, M.Phil. in Historical Studies, 2008.
- University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, Ph.D. in History, 2014.
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