Greg Goswell

Greg Goswell

Adjunct Lecturer, Research Fellow

Greg is the Academic Dean and a lecturer in Old Testament. He is also the Chair of the Australian College of Theology (ACT) Research and Research Studies Committee and a member of the ACT Academic Board. Prior to his work with Christ College, Greg spent twenty years ministering in the Middle East, regional Australia and south-west Sydney. He has learned what works and doesn’t work when it comes to  preaching, teaching, caring and leading. He now carries these experiences into the classroom, to equip the next generation of Church leaders. Greg is married to Mignon and they have 4 children. 

Greg, how has your theological education and career shaped you?

“ I am profoundly thankful for every teacher who has helped to make me what I am (present faults and foibles notwithstanding). The dictum, ‘believe everything and believe nothing,’ applies. We should never accept what other people say uncritically, and on the other hand, we need to have a genuine openness to new ideas. As a result, I am remarkably relaxed as to whether or not my own students accept my ideas. I want them to exercise freedom in developing their own theological convictions as to how to understand the Bible and how to apply it to their lives. I am seeking to make disciples of Christ, not clones of Greg Goswell. That said, Christ College honours God’s word and upholds the Reformed faith—which makes it the right context for men and women who want to mature in their thinking and hone ministry skills”.

  • 1978 Bachelor of Science (Med) (First Class Hons) (University of Sydney)
  • 1981 Licentiate of Theology (First Class Hons) (Australian College of Theology)
  • 1981 Bachelor of Divinity (Second Class Hons Upper Division) (University of London)
  • 1982 Diploma of Arts (Second Class Hons Upper Division) (Moore Theological College)
  • 1985 Scholar in Theology (Second Class Hons) (Australian College of Theology)
  • 1992 Master of Theology (Australian College of Theology)
  • 2002 Doctor of Philosophy (University of Sydney)

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"Trinitarian Exegesis of the Old Testament"

Journal of Theological Interpretation 18/1 (2024): 43-60.

"True and False Worship in the Prophecy of Zephaniah"

Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 48/3 (2024): 358-370.

“The Canonical Positions of Ezra-Nehemiah”

The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 67 (2024): 207-219.

"Early and Later Readers of Isaiah 36-39: The Interpretive Significance of the Textual Divisions in the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin Canonical Traditions"

in Archibald L. H. M. van Wieringen and Sehoon Jang (ed.), The Function of the Reader in the Formation and Reception of the Book of Isaiah, Studies in Cultural Contexts of the Bible 11. Leiden: Brill Schöningh, 2024, 167-181.

"Isaiah and Kings as Canonical Conversation Partners"

in Wilson de Angelo Cunha and Andrew T. Abernethy (ed.), Isaiah and Intertextuality: Isaiah amid Israel’s Scriptures, FAT II.148. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2024, 73-84

"The Old Testament as Prophecy and the Structure of the Canon"

The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 66/3 (2023): 495-508.

"The Apocrypha as an Interpretation of the Old Testament"

Restoration Quarterly 65 (2023): 193-210

"The LORD Is Good: The Epitome of Temple Worship"

Restoration Quarterly 65 (2023): 65-80

"Finding Jesus in the Psalter"

Evangelical Quarterly 94/2 (2023): 97-112

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