John McClean

John McClean

Vice Principal, Lecturer in Systematic Theology & Ethics

John is the Vice Principal of Christ College and teaches in the area of Christian Thought, focussing on Systematic Theology and Ethics. He has particular expertise regarding the Westminster Confession, and also teaches Church History and Ministry. John’s PhD deals with the idea of ‘anticipation’ in the theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg. John began his ministry as a Ministry Trainee at St Matthias Anglican Church, and then was the minister of Cowra Presbyterian Church from 1995-2002. John is the convenor of the Gospel, Society and Culture Committee of the Presbyterian Church of NSW and he writes a regular ethics column in the Pulse, the PCNSW magazine. He is married to Elizabeth and they have two adult children, and are new grandparents. 

John, how has your theological education and career shaped you?

“For almost twenty years I’ve had the privilege of helping students discover the glory of God and the riches of the gospel. I trust that has helped them, it has certainly encouraged and challenged me. The enthusiasm of students for serving God and their probing questions have kept me engaged and thinking”.

  • 1988 Bachelor of Science (UNSW)
  • 1996 Bachelor of Divinity (Hons) (Moore Theological College)
  • 2012 Doctor of Philosophy (Melbourne College of Divinity)

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Series Editor

John V. Fesko, The Giver of Life: The Biblical Doctrine of the Holy Spirit and Salvation, ed. J. McClean and M. J. Smith, We Believe: Studies in Reformed Biblical Doctrine. Bellingham: Lexham Academic, 2024.

Series Editor

Brandon D. Crowe, The Lord Jesus Christ: The Biblical Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ, ed. J. McClean and M. J. Smith, We Believe: Studies in Reformed Biblical Doctrine. Bellingham: Lexham Academic, 2023.

Series Introduction

J. McClean and M.J. Smith, "Series Introduction," in Brandon D. Crowe, The Lord Jesus Christ: The Biblical Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ, ed. J.McClean and M. J. Smith, We Believe: Studies in Reformed Biblical Doctrine. Bellingham: Lexham Academic, 2023, xix–xxix.

"Heresy and the Confessional Church"

in Principle & Principal: The Other Side of the Rev Dr Peter Cameron Heresy Trial, edited by Paul F Cooper and David A Burke. Sydney: Eider Books, 2023.

“Family and the Mission of God”

Gospel Leadership (March, 2022).

"Doctrinal foundations"

in Effective Eldership: A Handbook for Shepherding God’s Church, edited by Murray Smith, 57-66. Sydney: Eider Books, 2022.

"Praying for and with God’s people"

in Effective Eldership: A Handbook for Shepherding God’s Church, edited by Murray Smith, 94-98. Sydney: Eider Books, 2022.

"Baptism and the Lord’s Supper"

in Effective Eldership: A Handbook for Shepherding God’s Church, edited by Murray Smith, 121-134. Sydney: Eider Books, 2022.

"Church membership"

in Effective Eldership: A Handbook for Shepherding God’s Church, edited by Murray Smith, 153-159. Sydney: Eider Books, 2022.

“Pannenberg, the submission of the son and the heartbeat of divine love”

Trinity without hierarchy : reclaiming Nicene orthodoxy in evangelical theology, edited by Michael F. Bird and Scott Harrower, 241-258. Grand Rapids: Kergel, 2019.

Christ College YouTube

Recurring appearances through advertisements, module content, chapel, and graduation streams.

The Gospel Coalition Australia

Various articles and book reviews published online.

Biotechnology: Making People “Better than Well?”

Think Biblically: Conversations on Faith & Culture, 13th January 2023.

Why many of us don't fit in the Left, or the Right, or a Mushy Middle

Interview with Eternity News, April 29th, 2021.

What are the Big Issues in Theology?

Zooming In On Christ College livestream, Wednesday 26th August 2020.

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