Kamal Weerakoon

Kamal was born in Sri Lanka and migrated to Australia as a teenager. He is now the missions director at Gracepoint Presbyterian Church. In the past he has been involved in reinforcing well-established ministry in a large, multi-staff church; revitalising a small, struggling church in a lower socio-economic area; contributing to the outreach ministry of an inner-city church seeking to reach socially progressive hipsters; ministry to churches of Arabic, Mediterranean, and Subcontinental background; and campus ministry with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES).
- 1999 Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Laws (UNSW)
- 2007 Bachelor of Divinity (Moore Theological College)
- 2009 Advanced Diploma in Theology (Christ College)
- 2013 Master of Arts in Theology (Moore Theological College)
- 2023 PhD (Australian College of Theology)
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The Gender Revolution
The Gender Revolution, by Kamal Weerakoon, Patricia Weerakoon and Robert Smith. Sydney: Matthias Media, 2023. (forthcoming)
“Building Healthy Relationships Between Elders And Ministers”
in Effective Eldership: A Handbook for Shepherding God’s Church, edited by Murray Smith, 144-152. Sydney: Eider Books, 2022.
“Hybridity and Identity Development Of Second-Generation Diaspora”
in A Hybrid World: Diaspora, Hybridity, and Missio Dei, edited by Sadiri Joy Tira & Juliet Lee Uytanlet, 145-157. Pasadena: William Carey, 2020.
“Evangelical Intercultural Identity: A New Resource for Twenty-First Century Mission?”
Colloquium, (2015) 47 (1): 45-61.
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