Murray Smith

Murray is the Lecturer in Biblical Theology & Exegesis. Murray is also a guest lecturer in the Department of Hebrew Bible and Jewish Studies at the University of Sydney, where he co-teaches a unit on “Historical Jesus to Written Gospels”. Murray’s main research interests are in Jesus and the Gospels, biblical eschatology, biblical church government, and the relationship between biblical theology and systematic theology in the Reformed tradition.
Murray’s ministry experience includes his time as pastor of Kirkplace Presbyterian Church, and as a staff worker with the Sydney University Evangelical Union. He currently serves the Presbyterian Church of NSW as Convenor of the Committee for Elders and Deacons, and serves the wider church as a member of the United Evangelistic Council. He is an elder at Hornsby Presbyterian Church, where he takes particular responsibility for the Gospel Training (Christian Education) program. Murray is married to Lynette and they have five children.
Murray, how has your theological education and career shaped you?
- 1999 Bachelor of Arts (University of Sydney)
- 2001 Master of Arts (Hons) (University of Sydney)
- 2006 Master of Arts (Hons) (Macquarie University)
- 2014 Master of Divinity (Australian College of Theology)
- 2008 Graduate Diploma of Education (University of New England)
- 2023 Doctor of Philosophy (Macquarie University)
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Study Tour 2025 – Greece & Turkey
"'Everyone Who Practices Sin is a Slave to Sin’: Sin in the Johannine Literature"
in Ruined Sinners to Reclaim: Human Corruption in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective, ed. D. Gibson and J. Gibson, 381-431. Wheaton: Crossway, 2024.
Series Editor
John V. Fesko, The Giver of Life: The Biblical Doctrine of the Holy Spirit and Salvation, ed. J. McClean and M. J. Smith, We Believe: Studies in Reformed Biblical Doctrine. Bellingham: Lexham Academic, 2024.
Series Editor
Brandon D. Crowe, The Lord Jesus Christ: The Biblical Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ, ed. J. McClean and M. J. Smith, We Believe: Studies in Reformed Biblical Doctrine. Bellingham: Lexham Academic, 2023.
Series Introduction
J. McClean and M.J. Smith, "Series Introduction," in Brandon D. Crowe, The Lord Jesus Christ: The Biblical Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ, ed. J.McClean and M. J. Smith, We Believe: Studies in Reformed Biblical Doctrine. Bellingham: Lexham Academic, 2023, xix–xxix.
Jesus: All About Life
Jesus: All About Life, 2nd edition. Sydney : Bible Society of Australia, 2023.
"The Theophany of the Resurrected Messiah: The ‘Jewish’ Christology of Paul’s Speeches in Acts"
Paul within Judaism, edited by M. Bird, R. Bühner, J. Frey and B. Rosner, WUNT 507, 235-64. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2023. [open access]
"Enthroned and Coming to Reign: Jesus’s Eschatological Use of Psalm 110:1 in Mark 14:62"
Journal of Biblical Literature, (2022) 141 (3): 513–531.
"Introduction : God and the gospel: foundation and centre for elders"
in Effective Eldership: A Handbook for Shepherding God’s Church, edited by Murray Smith, 6-10. Sydney: Eider Books, 2022.
"A biblical vision of eldership"
in Effective Eldership: A Handbook for Shepherding God’s Church, edited by Murray Smith, 12-30. Sydney: Eider Books, 2022.
"The calling and qualifications of elders"
in Effective Eldership: A Handbook for Shepherding God’s Church, edited by Murray Smith, 31-37. Sydney: Eider Books, 2022.
"The pastoral charge: ‘Shepherd God’s church!’"
in Effective Eldership: A Handbook for Shepherding God’s Church, edited by Murray Smith, 38-46. Sydney: Eider Books, 2022.
"The elder at home - leading in family life"
in Effective Eldership: A Handbook for Shepherding God’s Church, edited by Murray Smith, 68-72. Sydney: Eider Books, 2022.
in Effective Eldership: A Handbook for Shepherding God’s Church, edited by Murray Smith, 188-193. Sydney: Eider Books, 2022.
"Developing adult Christian education"
in Effective Eldership: A Handbook for Shepherding God’s Church, edited by Murray Smith, 188-193. Sydney: Eider Books, 2022.
“History’s Biggest Hoax? The Question of the Resurrection”
The Gospel Coalition Australia, 21 March 2021.
in Read in the Light: The Declaratory Statement of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, edited by D. Burke and P. Cooper, 87-122. Sydney: Eider Books, 2019.
“God’s Righteousness, Christ’s Faithfulness, and ‘Justification by Faith Alone’ (Romans 3:21-26)”
in Romans and the Legacy of St Paul: Historical, Theological, and Social Perspectives. Occasional Series 1, edited by P.G. Bolt and J.R. Harrison, 181-254. Macquarie Park: SCD Press, 2019.
“Shepherds and Servants: The Two Offices Christ appointed in his Church”
Haddington House Journal, 20 (2018): 179-200.
“The Book of Revelation: A Call to Worship, Witness, and Wait in the Midst of Violence”
in Into All the World: Emergent Christianity in its Jewish and Greco-Roman Context, edited by Mark Harding and Alanna Nobbs, 334-371. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2017.
"The Lord Jesus and His Coming in the Didache"
in The Didache: A Missing Piece of the Puzzle in Early Christianity, Early Christianity and Its Literature 14, edited by J.A. Draper and C.N. Jefford, 363-407. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2015.
"The Thessalonian Correspondence"
in All Things to All Cultures: Paul Among Jews, Greeks and Romans, edited by Mark Harding and Alanna Nobbs, 269-301. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2013.
"Paul in the Twenty-First Century"
in All Things to All Cultures: Paul Among Jews, Greeks and Romans, edited by Mark Harding and Alanna Nobbs, 1-33. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2013.
"Our Father in heaven"
in Teach Us to Pray: The Lord’s Prayer and the Gospel of Jesus, edited by G. Goswell and Greg Munro, 37-44. Christian Education Committee, Presbyterian Church of Australia: Melbourne, 2013.
“Passion and power: the many portraits of Pontius Pilate”
Sydney Morning Herald, Good Friday, 2nd April, 2010.
"The Gospels in Early Christian Literature"
in Content and Setting of the Gospel Traditions, edited by Mark Harding and Alanna Nobbs, 181-208. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2009.
"The Political Context of the Gospels"
in Content and Setting of the Gospel Traditions, edited by Mark Harding and Alanna Nobbs, 79-104. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2009.
A review of Nicholas Perrin's Lost in Transmission? What Can We Know about the Words of Jesus?
Crucible 1/2 (October, 2008).
Down Under Theology
Theological podcast. Co-hosts the show.
Christ College YouTube
Recurring appearances through advertisements, module content, chapel, and graduation streams.
The Man of Galilee
Documentary. Wesley Mission, April, 2018. Historical consultant.
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