Paul Byun

Paul Byun

Lecturer in Hebrew & Old Testament

Paul is the Lecturer in Hebrew and Old Testament. Prior to his work with Christ College, Paul spent a few years working as an assistant minister at Sydney Living Hope Community Church. His main roles were to oversee children’s programs and lead catechism classes for theological education. While working as a pastor, Paul also taught a few subjects at the University of Sydney for the department of Hebrew, Jewish, and Biblical Studies. Paul is currently working on a commentary on Ezra-Nehemiah with Crossway, so he is interested in all things related to Ezra-Nehemiah.

Paul is married to Joyce, and they are parents to Violet and a puppy named Mello.

Paul, how has your theological education and career shaped you?

“Theological education gave me the tools for the pastorate, and the pastorate gave me the experience to gently and humbly apply those tools. However, theological education did not only affect my work as a pastor and a teacher, because it has trickled into every part of my life.”

  • 2016 Bachelor of Arts (Hons) (University of Sydney)
  • 2020 Doctor of Philosophy (University of Sydney)
  • 2023 Master of Divinity/Graduate Certificate of Divinity (Australian College of Theology)

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