Peter Barnes

Peter Barnes

Adjunct Lecturer

Peter Barnes is passionate about Church history, and history at large from a Christian perspective. He has written a biography of Athanasius, ‘Athanasius: His Life and Impact’. He has written on everything from plagues to B.B Warfield. Currently, he is researching Australian Presbyterian History. Prior to his time at Chirst College, Peter taught at the Presbyterian Bible College at Tangoa in Vanuatu. After this, Peter was the minister of the Presbyterian Nambucca River pastoral charge. During this time, he helped establish the Nambucca Valley Christian Community School and was chairman of the School Board. Peters PhD concerns the rise of liberal evangelism in the Presbyterian Church of NSW during the period of 1865-1915. 

  • M.A. (Hons)
  • B.D., 
  • Dip.Ed, 
  • ThD.

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"Peter Cameron: Life, Beliefs and Attitudes"

in Principle & Principal: The Other Side of the Rev Dr Peter Cameron Heresy Trial, edited by Paul F Cooper and David A Burke. Sydney: Eider Books, 2023.

"Scottish and American approaches to the Westminster Confession of Faith"

in Read in the Light: the 1901 Declaratory Statement of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, edited by Paul F Cooper and David A Burke. Sydney: Eider Books, 2019.

The Forbidden Grief

The Forbidden Grief, by Peter Barnes. Lansvale: Tulip Publishing, 2019.

Athanasius of Alexandria

Athanasius of Alexandria: his life and impact, by Peter Barnes. Fearn, Ross-shire: Christian Focus Publications, 2019.

"The Process of Church Union in Australia"

Burning or bushed: the Presbyterian Church of Australia 40 years on, edited by Paul F Cooper and David A Burke. Sydney: Eider Books, 2017.


Aneityum : missionary methods and the theology of mission, by Peter Barnes. Preston: Mosaic Press, 2013.

Lamp unto my feet

Lamp unto my feet: how God has used his word through the ages, by Peter Barnes. Fearn, Ross-shire: Christian Focus Publications, 2013.

Theological controversies in the Presbyterian Church of New South Wales, 1865-1915

Theological controversies in the Presbyterian Church of New South Wales, 1865-1915 : the rise of liberal evangelicalism, by Peter Barnes. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2008.

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