Dr Ruth Sutcliffe is a scholar in the discipline of historical Christian theology, with a special interest int he theology of persecution in the early church. She gained her PhD through Christ College in 2022 with a thesis focussed on the theology of persecution in the early church. Ruth joined Christ College as a Research Fellow in 2024.
- 2011 Master of Divinity (Australian College of Theology through Morling College)
- 2022 Doctor of Philosophy (Australian College of Theology through Christ College)
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Blessed Victors
Blessed Victors: Theology of Persecution in the Third Century Church. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2024.
"Learning Not to Sin: Repentance in Tertullian and Cyprian."
Colloquium 53, no.1 (2021): 73–97.
"No Need to Apologise? Tertullian and the Paradox of Polemic Against Persecution."
Studia Patristica 23 (2021): 267–278.
"To Flee or Not to Flee? Matthew 10:23 and Third Century Flight in Persecution."
Scrinium 14, no. 1 (2018): 133–60.
The Trinity Hurdle
The Trinity Hurdle: Engaging Christadelphians, Arians, and Unitarians with the Gospel of the Triune God. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2016
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