Since 1873, we have been training God’s people in Australia. Until 1983 the college was located at St Andrew’s College at the University of Sydney. It was established to train Presbyterian ministers and was known as ‘the Theological Hall’.

Our History
The Presbyterian Church has always valued education. In 1560, the post-Reformation Scottish Church mandated that every parish had a school teacher. From that point on, Presbyterian churches around the world placed a high priority on having an educated clergy.


In 1983, we moved to Ashfield Presbyterian Church under the name ‘Presbyterian Training Institute’.

Then, in 1987, we relocated to our Burwood location and became the Presbyterian Theological Centre.

In 2014, the campus was redeveloped and we adopted our current name—Christ College.

Faithful for Generations
For the last 150 years, we have been committed to . . .
- Reformed, Christ-centred theology.
- The authority of Scripture.
- Ministry training which is pastorally focussed.
- The good of the Presbyterian Church in NSW, and beyond.
- World-wide mission.
We Continue to Learn
As we look ahead, we see . . .
- A student body diverse in age, gender, nationality, career and stage of life.
- Education which meets the needs of a changing world.
- Practical training which focusses on whole-person formation.
- The development of healthy church leaders.