

During semester, every week.

Living For Christ 

Tuesdays, 12:05pm-1:00pm in the Dining Room. 

With the help of lectures and guest speakers, we think about how to serve Christ in all of life. This program is a great way to think creatively about life and ministry. Enjoy lunch together for $5.


Wednesdays, 12.05pm-1:00pm in the Auditorium. 

This is a central and precious part of College life. We worship together, sit under God’s word and pray for our community. Students have the opportunity to serve at chapel, in a range of capacities. Families are encouraged to come along too!

Community Lunch 

Wednesdays, 1.00pm-1.45pm. 

After chapel, we have the joy of sharing a meal together. Reflect on the chapel service, catch up, and meet someone new. Lunch costs $5.

Pastoral Care Groups 

Wednesdays, 1.45pm-2.30pm 

Each group is led by a faculty member. These groups are a crucial resource; allowing us to know each other more deeply, and spend time praying for one another. Over the semester, we work through various areas of Christian living.