Diploma of Theology

Diploma of Theology

Please note that the Australian College of Theology (ACT) has completed a curriculum redesign for 2020 courses. As a result, the courses, course structures, coding system and credit point values have changed. These changes are reflected in the details below. For an overview of the changes please view the details on the ACT website at: https://www.actheology.edu.au/our-courses/. For any questions related to ACT courses, please contact our Academic Registrar.

The Diploma of Theology is perfect for all Christians living for Christ in everyday life. It offers you the opportunity to deepen your love of God and his word as you engage in his world. The Diploma of Ministry has a focus on Biblical and Systematic Theology.


  • Introduces students to the sources and content of the Christian story and message, and provides training which emphasises application and articulation of this story and message in the contemporary world.
  • Concentrates on the disciplines by which knowledge of God is developed and articulated:
    • Bible & Languages (LA, OT, NT, BB) and
    • Christian Thought & History (TH, CH, PE)
  • Provides a grounding for ministry by establishing a foundation in theological knowledge and reflection.
  • Through elective units students can:
    • Follow study tracks in Bible & Languages and in Christian Thought & History
    • Develop practical ministry skills
AQF LEVELLevel 5 Diploma
COURSE LENGTH1 year full-time or part-time equivalent (up to 5.5 years)
AWARD REQUIREMENTS96 credit points at Level 5 or above
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSATAR no less than 65 or its equivalent
Mature age entry is available for candidates 21 years and older
NESB REQUIREMENTSIELTS score of 6.5 overall with a minimum 6.0 in each subtest OR 10 years English in country experience

This is a course of the Australian College of Theology. For more information about this course, view the complete course outline on the ACT website or contact our friendly Academic Registrar.