COVID-19 Update: Changes in Semester 2, 2020 (08/07/2020)


COVID-19 Update: Changes in Semester 2, 2020 (08/07/2020)

Dear Christ College community and friends,

Please note the communication sent to enrolled students for Semester 2, 2020. Bolded items are those particularly pertaining those of our wider community.


  • From the 20th July 2020 the college campus will be open to staff, students and members of the general public. We will no longer require a PIN code for entry into the building during business hours.
  • If you are sick, have been in close contact with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 within the last 14 days, or are in isolation waiting for a COVID-19 test result, we ask you please to stay home.
  • Every person coming onto the college campus will be required to sign in upon entry. The college will keep this information for a period of at least 28 days and will provide it to government health officials upon request for contact tracing purposes.

  • We encourage you to adopt safe hygiene practices while on campus including hand washing, limiting the touching of eyes, nose and face, and covering your mouth with your sleeve while coughing and/ or sneezing.
  • College will provide hand sanitizer and other hygiene products at entry and exit points, and high traffic common areas. Please make use of these!
  • Classes will need to wipe down desks and other common touch points after each class. Your lecturer will coordinate this with the class.
  • College is employing a professional cleaning company to ensure the facilities are wiped down and cleaned each night.
  • We will only be accepting payments by card or bank transfer to minimise cash handling.

  • We encourage you to limit physical contact with others and keeping a distance of at least 1.5 metres where possible when on campus.
  • Each room/ space has a sign indicating the maximum number of people allowed in the space at one time given the 4sqm rule. Please ensure you follow these signs, especially in the lift which has a limit of 1 person at a time.
  • Classrooms have been rearranged to encourage physical distancing. For Semester 2, we have combined Rooms 1 & 2 into one classroom, and Rooms 3 & 4 into another. We will also be using the auditorium as a classroom. Please refrain from moving furniture around in these rooms.

  • Most classes will be held on campus in face-to-face mode. If you do not wish to attend campus due to concerns about COVID-19, please contact your lecturer who will make alternate arrangements for you.
  • We plan to offer a classroom space for students studying in online mode to gather and watch the online stream together. This will provide the opportunity for those who wish to come onsite to interact with other students over the class material. Keep your eye on the timetable in the coming week for room allocations.

  • The library will be open for browsing, borrowing and studying. Please be mindful of safe hygiene practices and physical distancing especially when touching books that may later be handled by others.
  • We encourage you to download the AccessIT app. The app allows you to browse the catalogue and borrow books from your own device.
  • Please ensure you return books to the quarantine box provided. Unfortunately, due to quarantine requirements, it will take up to 36 hours for items to be returned to circulation. We encourage students to return books as soon as they have finished with them to enable other students to access them sooner. Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation.
  • Please ensure you wipe down desks, computers, scanners with the wipes provided after each use.

  • Chapel, Living for Christ and Pastoral Care groups will go ahead as usual though there may be some changes to format in order to comply with COVID-19 guidelines (e.g. singing in Chapel)
  • The student kitchen will be closed for the time being. This means that students will not have access to sinks, fridges or utensils. If you wish to bring food, please bring your own cutlery, crockery, etc.
  • College will provide the usual Tuesday and Wednesday community lunches, as well as morning teas. Food will be pre-packaged/ wrapped where possible. We will be encouraging people to eat outside as the maximum number of people allowed in the dining room is limited.

  • The Australian College of Theology (ACT) requires the college to conduct a risk assessment for people considered vulnerable by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC).
  • The College will be making contact with vulnerable students that we can identify based on enrolment data, however if you meet the criteria and feel comfortable to do so, please contact Allister ( so that we can work together to ensure a safe college experience for you in Semester 2.
  • All the information above is outlined in the college’s COVIDSafe plan. If you would like to see a copy of the full plan, or have any questions, please get in contact with us.


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